Modifying Your Property to Keep Mice Out

Once mice have gained access to your home, the effects can be devastating. Each year a female mouse can have up to 10 litters of young, quickly causing an infestation. In a single year, a female may have five to 10 litters of usually five or six young each. Young are born 19 to 21 days after mating, and they are mature in six to 10 weeks. The life span of a mouse is about nine to 12 months. Thus the key to controlling mouse populations is in preventing them from entering your home in the first place.

The first thing to do is to check around the house foundation for any openings greater than a quarter inch. Check any pipes or wires that pass through the house to make sure they have been properly sealed. These can include water faucets, utility meters, dryer vents, and various wires. Polyurethane foam and wire mesh can be used to seal up these types of entry points. Don’t use materials that mice can gnaw through to gain entry, such as wood, rubber, or fine screening.

Be sure that openings such as dryer vents are securely screened to keep rodents out. Check to see that windows and doors have a tight fit and cover exposed wood surfaces with metal. Loose roof shingles could also provide an opening for mice. Mice can gnaw through the weather stripping at the bottom of a garage door to gain entry to a house.

The roof and attic area is a key area to inspect. Damaged or missing screening on an attic exhaust vent is can allow mice to gain entry. Improperly fitted roof ventilators can also provide access points.

The immediate exterior of a house should be kept clear of any items that could be used as nesting sites. Stacked fireplace logs or building materials can provide sheltered areas. If mice are nesting in places immediately adjacent to your house, it won’t be long before they attempt to find a way inside.

Weeds and plant litter that could provide mice with nesting materials should be kept well clear of the house foundation. Lawn areas close to the house should be regularly mowed to remove nesting materials and keep access areas clear.

Food storage is another area in need of attention. You should take steps to protect any place where food is stored or used. Airtight containers such as glass jars can be used to store dry food, including pet food. Keeping the kitchen and dining areas clean will help you detect rodent activity if it occurs. Mice need food and shelter to support their population and breeding. Eliminating house entry points and barring access to foodstuff can greatly reduce the possibility of a rodent infestation. If this is not done, the chances of success from an elimination program drop greatly. Because they carry disease and can damage your property, you need to be serious about eliminating mice from your living environment.

Go back to the How to get rid of mice in the attic home page. You might also want to read about how to kill mice and why the use of snap traps is better than mouse poison. Read an analysis of the different types of traps and how to use them on the how to trap mice page. Learn why bait is not as important as trap type, placement and location. Also read a full analysis of mouse repellent to understand why it never works. If you see droppings and want to identify them, read the mouse poop page. If you need to hire professional help, read about how much does mouse removal cost? or you can read this site to learn how to do it yourself. Feel free to email me about Modifying Your Property to Keep Mice Out

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Modifying Your Property to Keep Mice Out
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