House mice are rodents that have short, gray or light brown hair, weighing approximately up to 30 grams and
can be around 15-20 centimeters long from tail tip to nose.
House mice are very active and curious rodents and spend lots of time looking around the area where they live, both to
discover what their territory holds, as well as to find food and partner. House mice aren't picky about food. They do
prefer nuts and seed but they will eat about anything they find and that is edible, because they are rather opportunistic
when it comes to feeding. So, if you want to get rid of them, you first must think of how to cut of food sources for them,
and this is indeed demanding task because they can find their way through smallest of openings and cracks in order to get
the food they need.
This especially stand true when house mouse in question is mother that needs food to be able to care for babies, or when the season
is getting cold and they need to survive. This is time when house mice will search way to get inside your home or adjacent buildings to
stay safe and warm. They will use pipe opening, electricity lines and cracks under and around windows and doors to get inside.
House mouse is generally omnivore which is information that is important to keep in mind to keep their population under control, especially
if you have farm with vegetables, grains and oats. These little pests can significantly cut down your harvest if they infiltrate into your barn.
Mouse doesn't have problem to scavenge through garbage and will eat anything they find edible, which is a reason to firmly close trash cans.
It is known that house mice can eat rotting food and killed animals on road.
You might find yourself puzzled when you find wiring in your home chewed and mice droppings nearby, a sure sign of mice infestation. Why do they
chew on wiring? They are not doing it to feed; instead, this is one of signs of mice nesting, which means that you probably have (or will soon have!) a
whole family of these hungry small critters roaming around your home for food.
How to keep mice population away or to drive them away from your home, if speaking about their diet? First of all, and most important, you need to keep
all the food out of house mice reach. This means, keep everything edible in closed containers, firmly shut. House mice can easily chew their way through
cardboard containers and boxes, so food in such packages is basically invitation for mice to come and feast.
If you keep flour and grains in storage in house, you should keep them in jars or metal containers, just as mentioned previously for other types of food.
These are only types of containers that can stop mice when they are looking for food.
Another important tip-wash dishes as soon as you finish the meal. Dirty dishes with leftovers are excellent meal for mice, so you need to keep these away, too.
Go back to the
How to get rid of mice in the attic home page. You might also want to read about
how to kill mice and why the use
of snap traps is better than
mouse poison. Read an analysis of the different types of traps and how to use them on the
how to trap mice page.
Learn why
bait is not as important as trap type, placement and location. Also read a full analysis of
mouse repellent to understand why it
never works. If you see droppings and want to identify them, read the
mouse poop page. If you need to hire professional help, read about
how much does mouse removal cost?
or you can read this site to learn how to do it yourself. Feel free to email me about What is a house mouse’s natural diet?